
Feature a donation goal of $15,000 by the end of the year, with automatic updates upon receiving donations.

Cause Description: "Raising $10,000 for procuring books for children and $5,000 to help teachers build their libraries"

Tanja Huston Books is a nonprofit organization that addresses children’s literacy and reading deficiencies. Our mission is to positively impact young readers by providing high-quality books and accompanying products. Focused on giving back to her community, THB aims to further children’s love for reading and create in-home libraries for every child of color, offering them the opportunity to explore and grow through the power of literature. Your support will help us meet our ambitious financial goals to further our cause. We are working towards raising $10,000 for procuring books for children, and $5,000 to help teachers build their libraries.

Your generous gift will help us make an impact on children's